Is the Periodontal Disease Treatment is Mainly for the Gum?

Gum is the most neglected part of the body. Though this part of the body is used for every bite in the mouth, many people do not take care of them. If there is any problem also people do not take care of it seriously. This negligence may cause serious infections which may affect the grip of the teeth. Such a problem is called periodontal disease. Many times this periodontal diseases treatment is very easy in the early stages.  The patients may not be aware of this problem in the early stages and when the pain shoots he will meet the dentist. This stage will be very late where the gums and the teeth would be severely damaged.
Periodontal Disease Treatment

Treat Gum Diseases in the Early Stages
In the early stages, this can be treated with the root planing and scaling. If the condition is worst, the doctor refers to the Periodontist. This dentist is specialized in gums and may have to conduct surgery to cure the patient completely. Gingivitis is also a type of gum disease which does not cause any damage to the tissue or bone. But if left unattended the gums pull off and there may be gaps formed which may have pockets in the gums. Such pockets get infected easily. It is always necessary to visit the dentist at least twice a year to not have such problems.

Follow Oral Hygiene
The best way to prevent periodontics is to practice good oral hygiene.
  • Brushing the teeth after meals with the toothpaste having fluoride
  • Flossing in between the teeth at least once a day would avoid all such problems.
  • Use mouthwash which has chlorhexidine or hexetidine
Scaling and Root Planning
If the pockets formed are more than 3mm, the periodontist advises for scaling and root planning. In scaling the tartar and plague are removed which is formed below the gums. A special type of instrument is used to scrape deposits. There are a lot of equipment and ultrasonic instruments used for this treatment. After this treatment, the stains on the teeth have to be removed.

In root planning, the bacteria are cleaned from the root of the teeth. This treatment avoids any further growth of plague on the roots. To get this treatment a local anesthesia is very necessary. Further, there may be the treatment of antibiotics. Healing takes its time and oral hygiene has to be maintained after the surgery properly. If the gums are not taken properly after surgery there are chances of the plague forming again. But this may cause a serious problem for the second time.

Surgery is done only in the worst cases. If regular oral care is taken there are fewer chances of getting such infections. If you have a clue that there is some problem in the gums then it is very necessary to meet the dentist immediately. The dentist will know the intensity of the disease and he can advise for further treatment. Periodontal Diseases Treatment is given by experienced dentists. Media Brite Smile provides effective treatment from experienced periodontitis.

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